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Below can be found a few of the more recent studies on Holy Week and its reform.  Most helpful for understanding the problems with the "Restoration of Holy Week" reform, as well as for growing in a deeper appreciation for the richness of the pre-1955 Holy Week. 


Special thank you to Rorate Caeli, Una Voce, and New Liturgical Movement for the following publications and for the work they do for the promotion and preservation of the  Sacred Liturgy. 




Maxima Redemptionis Nostrae Mysteria [English definitive]_1.png

Although Holy Week is long past, this week [Pentecost] concludes with the last piece of damage done by the 1955 reform of it, the suppression of the ancient baptismal rites of the vigil of Pentecost. This seems, therefore, like a good time to present this account of the reform by Fr Carlo Braga, a Vincentian priest and close collaborator of Abp Annibale Bugnini, and a major contributor to the creation of the post-Conciliar Rite. This address was delivered in Italian at the Pontifical University of St Anselmo in Rome on November 17, 2005, to mark the fiftieth anniversary of the reform, under the title “Maxima Redemptionis Nostrae Mysteria: 50 Anni Dopo (1955-2005),” published in Ecclesia Orans 23 (2006): 11-36. This translation was made by Carlo Schena, to whom we express our deepest gratitude. The text is quite long, and will be presented in four parts.

[Introduction by the Editor]

A section from Dr. Kwasniewski's lecture at Most Precious Blood of Jesus Parish in Pittsburgh covering the losses suffered in the Roman Rite between 1948 and 1962, and their recovery. We would like to thank Dr. Kwasniewski for his great study and contribution to the most important questions on the use of the Liturgy.

We would also like to recommend our readers to view the rest of this lecture which greatly helps to understand the impact of these losses on our Liturgy in general and our duty to recover and pass on the treasure of the Traditional Roman Rite. 

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We thank the Latin Mass Society of Australia for providing us with their website dedicated to restoring the Pre-1955 Liturgy.

Click title of article to read 

We'd like to thank Dr. Peter Kwasniewski for pointing us to his article on New Liturgical Movement covering the differing opinions on how to move forward with an authentic Liturgical Restoration of the Roman Rite.

Latin Mass Society Australia

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We would like to thank the Latin Mass Society of Australia for this fine and very useful work summarising the differences between the pre-1955 Holy Week and the changes that followed.

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This is an excellent article by Fr. Stefano Carusi, translated by Fr. Charles W. Johnson and published on the Rorate Caeli blog.

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These three Position Papers have been taken from the  Una Voce website, where many other valuable studies on the liturgy can be found. 

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